Pop Quiz
♥What are your middle names? Scott and Mae
♥How long have you been together? 4 years, married almost 2!
♥How long did you know each other before you started dating? a few weeks
♥Who asked who out? Brian asked me out! (most of you are probably surprised)
♥Who said I love you first?He did, but I think his "condition" at the time could have legally voided any contract. It was after Danielle's birthday and we all had a few drinks!
♥How old are each of you? 24 and 23
♥Whose siblings do/did you see the most? Brian's sister, my sister lives to far =(
♥Do you have any children together? Brady Seth
Rhoden♥What about pets? Charlie
Weis the
chocolate lab
♥Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Brian's schedule
♥Are you from the same hometown? no
♥Who is the most sensitive?
♥Where do you eat out most as a couple? On the Border
♥Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? in a plane-Mexico, in a car-Mesa, Arizona....WAY WAY
♥Who does the cooking? Me!
♥Who is the most social?Me!!! Brian likes to keep to himself.
♥Who is the neat-freak?Y'all know this. Brian! Like freakishly a neat freak and I am a mess freak.
♥Where was your first date? West End
♥Who has the bigger family? pretty sure I do
♥Do you get flowers often? No! I do not like for Brian to buy me flowers. I just see them as a waste of money...they die!!!!
♥Who’s better with the computer? Brian
♥Who picks where you go to dinner? We usually always want to go to the same place...OTB!!!
♥Who eats more sweets? Brian and you would have never guessed that with these hips.
♥Who cries more?That's me!